The Top Student of 1st Grade
Q1\ Can you introduce yourself in three words?
ASEEL \ I suppose I could, I’m a woman.
Q2\ What is your advice for students in the first grade to be smart like you?
ASEEL \ My advice to them is: Love English language and it will love you back, consider it a part of your life. discipline is very important, so is commitment and hope to have what you want.
Q3\ Why do you love English language?
ASEEL \ I love English language so much, because it was my passion since the beginning of my life. I find myself in it and that makes me feel better.
(7)Q4\How could you arrange your time between studying and housework?
ASEEL \ Yes, I really had a tough year; things weren’t all right back at my home. The funny thing is that I found at my beloved college a new family that is my colleagues. I could arrange things because I wouldn’t live my life without English. It has kind of energy that gives me power to struggle; Yes life is a battle, but I‘ll never stop fighting.
Q5\ What does Ms MAY mean to you?
ASEEL \A woman who couldn’t stop amazing me every second with wide absolute knowledge, deep kindness, I’ll get a great experience from her.
Q6\ What does this name mean to you ”Dr. Ahmed Sultan”?
ASEEL \A second father who saw the best inside of me, taught me a lot of new things and helped me to step my first steps in Translation Department. He is always accurate to get the best.
Q7\ How can you describe Mr. DIA?
ASEEL \ An angel who always encourages me, supports me, believes in me and helps me to overcome my fears, he wasn’t my teacher but he is my role model; truly respectable and really beloved.”
The Translation Students Magazine / Translation Department, College of Arts, University of Al-Mustansiriya
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Issue No. 1
The Top Student of 2nd Grade 08/09
Ala'a Hasan
ALA’A Hasan Hussein is one of the best students in the Department of Translation. He is a third-year student now. He is a cooperative student and always helps his colleagues and he is lovable because of his noble features. Ala’a is trying his best for the benefit of his country with the use of his knowledge. Ala’a’s best and closest friends are Ibrahim and Mushriq. I wish my friend Ala’a all the best.
Prepared and Designed by : Ibrahim T. Ibrahim
Ala'a Hasan
ALA’A Hasan Hussein is one of the best students in the Department of Translation. He is a third-year student now. He is a cooperative student and always helps his colleagues and he is lovable because of his noble features. Ala’a is trying his best for the benefit of his country with the use of his knowledge. Ala’a’s best and closest friends are Ibrahim and Mushriq. I wish my friend Ala’a all the best.
Prepared and Designed by : Ibrahim T. Ibrahim
Issue No. 1
In the previous academic year, some extraordinary students could make it to the top of their grades. It wasn’t just their hard work, cleverness, or dedication. Their was something about them that kept them going. It could be ambition or passion. Who knows, the point is that they are really special people if you get to know them, and – what you know ! – here is a chance to do so. We give you the top students of TD 2008-2009.
HALA, as we know, is the top student of her class, a position which she really deserves in return of her hard work. When she was in high school her English was very good therefore she is very excited and happy in Translation Department, she changed her college application twice to achieve her dream and be in this Department.
(4) HALA is smart, beautiful, lovable, honest, loves everybody and helps everyone she is always active and full of life. Congratulations, you merit more.
Below is an interview with Hala.
Q1/ Define yourself in three words?
Hala/ I think I have one word for this question “A WOMAN”
Q2/ What is your biggest ambition?
Hala / My mind is not clear so far because I have so many options, I haven’t decided what to be yet, but my first option is to be a teacher or a professional interpreter.
Q3/ Who is your role model?
Hala / Dr. Sadeq of course, because he is one of the best professors in the world. If anyone wanted to take a person as a model, the right choice is Dr. Sadeq.
Q4/ whom do you thank so much for what you are?
Hala / I thank my family and my teachers, and I owe them a lot because they are the reason why I’m here today and what I’ll be tomorrow.
Q5/ What is your advice for students?
Hala / My advice for them is to read a lot, watch movies and news to improve their qualifications and skills in the field of English language.
Q6/ What is your greatest motivation for success?
Hala / To guarantee my future.
In the previous academic year, some extraordinary students could make it to the top of their grades. It wasn’t just their hard work, cleverness, or dedication. Their was something about them that kept them going. It could be ambition or passion. Who knows, the point is that they are really special people if you get to know them, and – what you know ! – here is a chance to do so. We give you the top students of TD 2008-2009.
HALA, as we know, is the top student of her class, a position which she really deserves in return of her hard work. When she was in high school her English was very good therefore she is very excited and happy in Translation Department, she changed her college application twice to achieve her dream and be in this Department.
(4) HALA is smart, beautiful, lovable, honest, loves everybody and helps everyone she is always active and full of life. Congratulations, you merit more.
Below is an interview with Hala.
Q1/ Define yourself in three words?
Hala/ I think I have one word for this question “A WOMAN”
Q2/ What is your biggest ambition?
Hala / My mind is not clear so far because I have so many options, I haven’t decided what to be yet, but my first option is to be a teacher or a professional interpreter.
Q3/ Who is your role model?
Hala / Dr. Sadeq of course, because he is one of the best professors in the world. If anyone wanted to take a person as a model, the right choice is Dr. Sadeq.
Q4/ whom do you thank so much for what you are?
Hala / I thank my family and my teachers, and I owe them a lot because they are the reason why I’m here today and what I’ll be tomorrow.
Q5/ What is your advice for students?
Hala / My advice for them is to read a lot, watch movies and news to improve their qualifications and skills in the field of English language.
Q6/ What is your greatest motivation for success?
Hala / To guarantee my future.
Issue No. 1
December 31,2009
An Interview with Dr. Ali K. Abbas

Q1\ Who is Dr. Ali in few words?
A\Ali K. Abbas, Scholar and considerate.
Q2\What is your opinion in higher education life?
A\It is most enjoyable and sensitive time in one’s life span.
Q3\What is your motivation that let you be a Prof?
A\Knowledge is with no limits. Higher academic rank means more insights one can afford to the students.
Q4\What is your advice for TD students?
A\Don’t lose the chances available to you now, such chances affect your future career.
Q5\Do you have suggestions concerning higher education study?
A\The main concern is to bring Translation practice in, particularly simultaneous and consecutive translation.
Q6\ How can you invest your leisure time?
A\ I invest my leisure time by browsing the up-to-date information of different kinds on the internet.
Q7\What is your wish for TD students?
A\To be successful, prosperous with a job after graduation.
Q8\What is your opinion over uniform?
A\It is good for all students – They are at work not party.
Q9\Could you tell us where you got your (MA). And (PHD) degrees?
A\I got MA Degree from Baghdad University and PHD degree from Leicester, Britain. Moreover, professorship is a commitment to be more modest, a case which scores people’s respect.
Q10\What does TD mean to you?
A\Sociable, I can practice my different interests.
A\Ali K. Abbas, Scholar and considerate.
Q2\What is your opinion in higher education life?
A\It is most enjoyable and sensitive time in one’s life span.
Q3\What is your motivation that let you be a Prof?
A\Knowledge is with no limits. Higher academic rank means more insights one can afford to the students.
Q4\What is your advice for TD students?
A\Don’t lose the chances available to you now, such chances affect your future career.
Q5\Do you have suggestions concerning higher education study?
A\The main concern is to bring Translation practice in, particularly simultaneous and consecutive translation.
Q6\ How can you invest your leisure time?
A\ I invest my leisure time by browsing the up-to-date information of different kinds on the internet.
Q7\What is your wish for TD students?
A\To be successful, prosperous with a job after graduation.
Q8\What is your opinion over uniform?
A\It is good for all students – They are at work not party.
Q9\Could you tell us where you got your (MA). And (PHD) degrees?
A\I got MA Degree from Baghdad University and PHD degree from Leicester, Britain. Moreover, professorship is a commitment to be more modest, a case which scores people’s respect.
Q10\What does TD mean to you?
A\Sociable, I can practice my different interests.
Interviewed by : Ibrahim H. Ibrahim
Issue No. 1
December 31,2009
TRANSMAG: The Translation Students’ Magazine, as simple as it is, is actually a very important project, whether to the staff that works on it (who are, naturally, some of our best students) or to the Translation Department as a whole. A project that started exactly one year ago when I was approached, by Dr. Sadiq, with the idea of having a wallpaper to display the activities of students. An Idea that was originally suggested by a brilliant student of ours, namely Hala. I was thrilled by the idea and swiftly agreed to supervise the wallpaper that came to be known as TRANSMAG. The reason for my excitement was that I always wanted to do such a thing since I was an undergraduate student at the Translation Department (or TD as the TRANSMAG staff likes to call it) but never had the chance. Another reason was that this would give me a further opportunity to uncover the potentials of our students and, eventually, nurture them. Little did I know that the first wallpaper issue of TRANSMAG, that hung proudly on the tailor-made glass board, will attract such talented students - mostly unknown to me then - who came to me and asked to, not join.. but, reinvent the newborn wallpaper. Since then the staff has grown, and with it TRANSMAG also did.
Here we are now. This is the first issue of the hand-held printed version of TRANSMAG; A magazine that hopes to represent not only the students but the whole Department. I might be the “general supervisor”, but the editors of TRANSMAG are the real deal, and it is a real pleasure to work along with them. They put so much heart and spirit in their work, which makes supervising them a real treat.
Peace and love to all..
(1) Dia Sulaibi
TRANSMAG: The Translation Students’ Magazine, as simple as it is, is actually a very important project, whether to the staff that works on it (who are, naturally, some of our best students) or to the Translation Department as a whole. A project that started exactly one year ago when I was approached, by Dr. Sadiq, with the idea of having a wallpaper to display the activities of students. An Idea that was originally suggested by a brilliant student of ours, namely Hala. I was thrilled by the idea and swiftly agreed to supervise the wallpaper that came to be known as TRANSMAG. The reason for my excitement was that I always wanted to do such a thing since I was an undergraduate student at the Translation Department (or TD as the TRANSMAG staff likes to call it) but never had the chance. Another reason was that this would give me a further opportunity to uncover the potentials of our students and, eventually, nurture them. Little did I know that the first wallpaper issue of TRANSMAG, that hung proudly on the tailor-made glass board, will attract such talented students - mostly unknown to me then - who came to me and asked to, not join.. but, reinvent the newborn wallpaper. Since then the staff has grown, and with it TRANSMAG also did.
Here we are now. This is the first issue of the hand-held printed version of TRANSMAG; A magazine that hopes to represent not only the students but the whole Department. I might be the “general supervisor”, but the editors of TRANSMAG are the real deal, and it is a real pleasure to work along with them. They put so much heart and spirit in their work, which makes supervising them a real treat.
Peace and love to all..
(1) Dia Sulaibi
Issue No. 1
December 31,2001
v Editorial …………………………..……1
v An interview with Dr. Ali K. Abbas ..….2
v Top Students …………..………….…....3
v Eid al-Adha ………………..…..……….9
v Achievements ………………...……….10
v Whom did you miss the most? ….....….12
v FAQ About Swine Flu …...……………..14
v Scientific Figure……………...………….16
v Your Day& Color ………………......…..18
v Horoscope ………..…………………….20
v Proverbs ……………….………………..22
v Poem ………………………...………….23
v The Uniform: Acceptance and Refusal..24
v Sport …………………………… ………25
v The Girl Next Door ……………………..27
v Editorial …………………………..……1
v An interview with Dr. Ali K. Abbas ..….2
v Top Students …………..………….…....3
v Eid al-Adha ………………..…..……….9
v Achievements ………………...……….10
v Whom did you miss the most? ….....….12
v FAQ About Swine Flu …...……………..14
v Scientific Figure……………...………….16
v Your Day& Color ………………......…..18
v Horoscope ………..…………………….20
v Proverbs ……………….………………..22
v Poem ………………………...………….23
v The Uniform: Acceptance and Refusal..24
v Sport …………………………… ………25
v The Girl Next Door ……………………..27
Monday, December 21, 2009

December 20,2009
The Editing committee of TRANSMAG send their warm regards and wishes to all Translation Department students , and seize this chance to declare the goals of its publishing online and the pre-requiste conditions or rules for participation and commentary on its varied issues and topics.
The goals of this magazine blog:
1- Building and enhancing technology use by students.
2- Creating a place where everyone can reach it easily; a place where our students find themselves free to express their ideas and thoughts.
3- The easiness and simplicity of reaching this magazine from your hourse, just an internet link or connection is needed. This by time will move students from using computer for fun purposes to learning and teaching ones.
4- The Editors will welcome all students ' participations on every issue theme; posts for earlier themes will not be considered.Therefore, we ask our friends in Translation Department to google this blog frequently.
The rules of participation are :
1- Using good language.
2- Displaying participant's real name , class, and email.
3- Respecting others' ideas and beliefs.
4- The Editors have the ight to hide those comments or posts unsuitable for the topics for one reason or another.
We welcome all your participations.
Thanks for sharing your ideas with us.
The Editing committee of TRANSMAG send their warm regards and wishes to all Translation Department students , and seize this chance to declare the goals of its publishing online and the pre-requiste conditions or rules for participation and commentary on its varied issues and topics.
The goals of this magazine blog:
1- Building and enhancing technology use by students.
2- Creating a place where everyone can reach it easily; a place where our students find themselves free to express their ideas and thoughts.
3- The easiness and simplicity of reaching this magazine from your hourse, just an internet link or connection is needed. This by time will move students from using computer for fun purposes to learning and teaching ones.
4- The Editors will welcome all students ' participations on every issue theme; posts for earlier themes will not be considered.Therefore, we ask our friends in Translation Department to google this blog frequently.
The rules of participation are :
1- Using good language.
2- Displaying participant's real name , class, and email.
3- Respecting others' ideas and beliefs.
4- The Editors have the ight to hide those comments or posts unsuitable for the topics for one reason or another.
We welcome all your participations.
Thanks for sharing your ideas with us.
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