To think of it, how such a word so small had the biggest impact on our life, by making our biggest decisions based upon it, whether right or wrong, the question is: do you know how to use appropriately?
Most of the people end up saying yes when they shouldn’t and say no when they should say yes!
The secret that I discovered is to say yes to yourself first (maybe that sounds a bit selfish). I am not saying to never help out BUT just to put yourself first at times so that you can accomplish what you need to do for yourself! This YES is about self-respect and confidence. If you love yourself enough, you will learn to say no to make a better you! The yes power is to yourself. YES to making yourself better for you and therefore everyone around you! It is an acknowledgement that you are someone who has the right to be happy. Saying Yes to yourself allows you to embrace your own personal interests in order to build a platform for your positive No. it’s a matter of action not a reaction and thinking about the conflict in a positive way. While I can't be sure that this completely embodies the principles of the Positive No, I think that I'm on the right track.
We start off by stating our own needs and interests; by embracing what is important to us, it lessens the guilt we might feel about saying No to someone with which we have a close relationship. Saying NO can't be the end for everyone out there. Yes, you can be there for them BUT you also have to be there for yourself. I learned this the hard way so believe me; I have been a person that did not take this advice myself. BUT, I can tell you that if you don't put yourself first when you need to, nobody else will do it for you! It is a necessity that each individual come familiar with the power of yes, making his own list of yes, so they can come ahead in your choices... Is it career, health or inner peace? Of course that differs from one to another. Go ahead in your own list of yes, so that when you come across a situation when you are bewildered what to choose, you can challenge your inner voice. You will be capable of saying the right yes and no if you had to choose between the two! My point is that we often hesitate when we really don’t need to – LISTEN to your guts, if it feels wrong, don’t do it, but if it feels good, say Yes.

I chose such a subject based on my own personal experience, the fear and confusion of the choice. Just keep in mind the power and let go the thought of the consequences, may be it wouldn’t all go according to plan, and once you learn to accept offers, then accidents can no longer interrupt the action. Saying “yes” is only the beginning. A real “yes” is in the follow-through.
Yes, to success, health, prosperity, patience, commitment, creativity, honesty. Yes to life. Whatever feels right at that moment.
Saying yes to life's opportunities is what opens up your life. And that makes you more interested - and more interesting. You don't have a crystal ball to tell you what's around the next corner, or what all the consequences will be of any choice you make. So saying yes means taking a chance. But the more yeses you can say, the greater the likelihood that the resulting experiences will bring you positive benefits.
It is a power that you don't want to be fooled with its simplicity. You will find it very powerful. Try, stick to that power, and see how your life will be changed for the better
Traveling equals changes and choices, and the choice of yes will most often take you to far more interesting places than if you say no. Saying “no” however, does not involve being negative or mean toward others. "A Positive No begins with Yes and ends with Yes”. You might want to use the word no at the end, by saying no to good things so you can say yes to greater things!
And live the life of YOUR dreams!
Written by
Aseel K. Mahmood
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