Friday, January 1, 2010


December 31,2009

ARIES: When stars give you enough light to recognize everything in detail, you should depend on your conjecture. You must have self-confidence, then you will know that you are in the right way.

TAURUS: Don’t let life leads you to places that you don’t want to go, because there is no reason to be in these places. But, you have to work carefully with the things that are important and especially when you need these things in your life.

GEMINI: You are in a good status especially in your business and a great development in the field of your work might happen. Socially: you should take care of your relationships with your family. Emotionally: You are in love with a person who doesn’t love and this is negative not positive.

CANCER: You are an introvert person these days because you have no trust in whom around you. This feeling will be gone step by step soon. Your emotional life seems to be dull today you are not in a good relation with yourself.

LEO: All eyes look at you to get something unexpected. All people around you expect solutions from you for every problem. You are feeling relaxed and you look great. Something very beautiful might happen tonight.

VIRGO: When stars give you a lot of light to recognize what you want to know in detail, you have to depend on your immediate intuition. You should trust yourself and that you are on a good path.

LIBRA: You have to establish important links instead of diving in social and material life. Work takes a lot of time from your life recently, this is why your romantic interest is unstable and unfruitful.

SCORPIO: Don’t always be the defender. You have to listen even a little bit and you have to invest your current consciousness. Take a look at all the events to be qualified to solve a lot of unresolved issues.

SAGITTARIOUS: All persons around you like you to take care of them whether your family or your friends. You are not in need to let people know what you are thinking of. Don’t praise yourself a lot.

CAPRICORN: All persons around you want to listen to your ideas. You are in a high position. Don’t be confused and don’t be afraid. Take effective measures and powerful ideas. Follow your intuition, it will not let you down.

AQURIUS: You are a quiet man these days because you can’t trust anyone around you. This feeling will be vanished gradually. Your romantic life seems to be gloomy these days.

PISCES: Stars glow your bright personality, for this reason everybody wants you to look after them whether your parents or your friends. Beware of vanity.


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